I don't have that much to write about, but it's been a while since I posted.
I recently started a new job. I'm working at Dillard's in the home department, and it is a lot of fun. Training was not fun, but the actual job is. In training I watched 14 videos. It was probably one the most boring 2 days of my life. The thing about videos is that I do better with hands on, not just visual training.
I had a hard time on the floor at first, but after a couple of days I started to get the hang of it. Now all I have to do is learn my department, which could take a while. My goodness! There is so much stuff in it! We have everything from crystal to luggage. We have bath linens, bathroom accessories, baking and cooking pans and utensils, bed linens, kitchen appliances, table linens, dishes and... (drum roll please,) a SINGING EGG! I know you all need one.
This beautiful piece of... um, junk is a wonderful gift for that mother-in-law who has everything (guarantee you she doesn't have one of these!) or simply as a dust catcher on your own coffee table! It is a cute(?) little gold and silver egg that you can wind up to hear one of your favorite songs, complete with a little heart thingy to put a picture of a loved one in. Just wind it up and look at little Suzie while listening to 'You Are My Sunshine'. Come and get yours today all for the tiny price of... Well, actually I don't know how much it is, but it's probably an audacious sum of money for such an ugly little knick knack. The really cheesy thing is that it doesn't even open up by itself. You have to do it yourself.
Okay, so now that I have told you about the singing egg, the most embarrassing thing in my whole department, I will move on to better subjects.
I'm really super excited because I called an acquaintance this week about getting involved in a college study group. I'm pretty stoked. It's been so long since I've actually been involved in a Bible study. I have missed it so much. I miss being able to watch people growing beside me.
The last thing that I have to say is that I was totally grossed out by the Rolling Stones Superbowl halftime show! Who wants to watch an old guy wearing girls clothes jumping around and shaking his butt? And you gotta love those happy arms. Sorry, Mick. Sick.