Today I am 39 weeks pregnant.
I am only 5'1" and very short waisted. 'Baby Bump' just doesn't quite seem to cover what is going on in my midsection. I feel that I am past the cute stage, and have moved into the full blown pregnant lady waddle. In fact, a woman saw me at the grocery store today and gave me her most sympathetic smile and said, "Oh... Bless your heart!" I returned her smile and continued waddling by, because what is there to be said, really?
Upon seeing me, the inevitable question at this point seems to be, "Are you ready?" I don't really know how to answer this question. Can a person really be ready to be a first time parent?
I'm convinced the question that people actually want to know is, "Are you completely sick of being pregnant yet???" To which the answer is...
I'm getting there.
Give me another week.