I tried to make a blog on a previous occasion, and it didn't work for me. It did this time. Don't know what changed, but something did.
Well, seeing as this is my first post, I'll introduce myself.
I kiss toads. Yeah, the big slimy ones with warts. They are so cute! How can anyone resist? I don't know. This fact has made me famous (or perhaps notorious) in my youth group. Well, this and the fact that I feed small animals to my dog. There is a perfectly logical reason for that! They were going to die anyway. Might as well feed another critter, right? I think this way because I grew up on a small farm. I tend to think more about the practical aspect than the sympathetic, sometimes.
I work for my mom in a small knitting store here in my town. Over all it's not too bad, but one does get tired of being around one's mother after a few days. Well, I'm around my parents 24/7. I'm homeschooled and I work for my mom so...
Yes, I am as annoying in real life as I sound on this blog. I do so wish I could change my personality sometimes. I think if I could control my mouth a little better it would help. See, I talk without thinking about what I'm saying, somtimes. I don't say mean things, just stupid ones. Things that make no sense whatsoever. I just ramble on and on without saying much at all. Very much like this paragraph, in fact! And then when I catch myself, I stop midsentence and look around the room at everyone smiling and laughing at me. *sigh* Oh well. I guess that's why everyone loves me. (not)
My very best friends here are my youth pastor and his wife. They have been there for me so many times. I don't know what I would do without them. I try super hard to make it up to them, but I haven't been able to do so yet. Maybe I'll baby sit for them in the future. They recently celebrated the birth of their second son, Dylan. He's so beautiful! I adore his older brother, as well. *wink, wink!* (he's only 3)
This is all I have time to write. We'll see if this even stays posted. I'm looking forward to writing my thoughts, anyhow. I'll probably write about once a week, and I won't be able to write about something serious until Monday. Ah well, such is life.
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