
Thursday, July 27, 2006

My Beautiful Feet!

This is so gross! Haha! I had to post about it though.

Okay, people who have been close to me lately have known that I've been having a little... foot problem. The bottoms of my feet were peeling off. Hard core. So gross! No, it is not athlete's foot. I've had athlete's foot, and I know it when I see it. And this was not it.

See, I went on this backpacking trip at camp, and my shoes were... not good. I had blisters before we even left. Anyway, I think I got blisters underneath the callouses that were already on my feet. Yeah, so they all started peeling off! It didn't really hurt, but it looked pretty nasty. It totally grossed everyone out who saw them. Myself included. That's pretty much all I have to say about the joys of yucky-peely-feet. (Chris, "Skin flaps..." Eeeeewww!) By the way, this is not what my feet normally look like. I don't have beautiful feet, but that is just a special kind of gross.

I am posting a photo of the flaky goodness. (Hmmm... sounds like a breakfast cereal. Oh. gross. Why did I just say that???) Anyway, Hope you enjoy!

Peeling away...

Main Entry: skin
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: covering
Synonyms: bark, carapace, case, casing, coating, crust, cutis, derma, dermis, epidermis, fell, film, fur, hide, hull, husk, integument, jacket, membrane, muktuk, outside, parchment, peel, pelt, rind, sheath, sheathing, shell, shuck, slough, surface, tegument, vellum

Main Entry: peel
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: strip
Synonyms: decorticate, delaminate, desquamate, excorticate, exfoliate, flake, flay, pare, pull off, scale, shave, skin, strip, tear off, uncover

Well. That was fun! Gotta love it!

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