First of all, let me say that my little brother rocks my world! Of course he gets on my nerves a LOT, but sometimes he can be the sweetest person!!!
Okay, so anyway...
Why are girls so mean? We are. We really, truly are cruel creatures. Girls worry about their appearance all the time. At least I do. I'm extremely self concious. And it's not for the guys. I mean, yeah, I wan't to be pretty for the guys, but they're not the ones I'm afraid of. I've never met a guy older than Jr. High that would tell a girl she was ugly. I've never met one who would degrade her appearance. I've never met a guy who makes fun of her because her face happened to break out that day. (Okay, actually I have met one, but we won't count him.)
Girls will do all of these things. When it comes to other girls, we are positively viscious! Because we're jealous? Afraid that Suzie might get more attention from that guy than we will? I don't know. Girls remind me of a bunch of harpies. Loud and abrasive, dashing other peoples self-esteem to pieces on the rocks below.
Girls will tell you what's wrong with your appearance right away. They will tell you what's wrong with your figure, they'll tell you what's wrong with your features, they'll tell you why your hair isn't as cool as theirs, they'll tell you that you need to pluck you eyebrows... In fact, this happened to me just the other day. Some woman told me, "Um, you need to go and pluck your eyebrows, dear." What? Why do you even give a care what my eyebrows look like?
I must admit, my eyebrows are a complicated subject. They are extremely bold and heavy. They have a nice shape to them, I guess. Right now all the girls are plucking their eyebrows until they're teeny tiny, and I can't stand it. Why not just leave them be? Grooming, yes, removing them and penciling new ones in? Not my style. Actually, the only thing that I could do to make them look different is exactly that.
Lots of people like my eyebrows because they're different. Apparently not this woman. Anyway, when she said this it floored me. I just kind of stood their and turned red and stuttered. My brother stared at her open mouthed. I excused this woman's comment, because she has all of the tact of my grandmother. (Um, yeah, that means she doesn't have much.)
Girls tell you what's wrong when you can't do anything about it at the moment, and if it's something you can do, they choose to let you walk around like that all day.
When I was in about the 5th grade there was this girl that no one really liked. She was kind of mean to the rest of us. I can't figure out why. Well, one day all the girls were gathered around giggling, including my best friend. I walked into the group and she whispered, "Hey, look! Monica's fly is unzipped!" They all thought that this was the most hilarious thing, Monica walking around with her underwear showing.
I said, "Well, hasn't anyone told her?"
"Are you kidding? We're not going to tell her! She called me four-eyes!"
I was appalled. I could believe they were letting her look like an idiot just because she had called them a dumb name. I know that it hurts to be insulted, but they were making themselves just like her by not telling her. So I did. "Psst! Monica! XYZ..." Monica liked me from that day forward.
This is the reason I never liked girls when I was younger. All of my close friends were guys. It's not that I don't like them individually, I just despise being in groups.
I don't hang out in girls bathrooms, because I don't want to hear about Jill's latest bad hair day, or the fact that Jennifer forgot to paint her toenails this morning. They probably talk about me the same way, but I don't care. Maybe they don't realize that when they aren't in the bathrooms, all the girls are talking about them the same way the were talking about Jill and Jen.
I don't like entirely female small groups, although I do see the necessity. Girls make me uncomfortable. All gossip and giggling and guytalk. Wow, that's a nightmare to me.
Put me in a group of guys to play football any day! This has always been my attitude, which meant the girls hated me even more. I guess they thought I was boy crazy. They were really jealous that the guys were more comfortable around me than around them. I don't think they realized that the guys didn't 'like me', like me, they just liked having me around. I wasn't the object of their affection, I was another player on the team.
Girls don't understand me, I don't understand them. I don't understand guys either. Hey, who do I understand? When guys ask me to explain things about girls, they are often met with, "What are you asking me for? Beats me! I can't explain them." I do my best to explain female behavior, the femine mind, but I just can't.
I mean really, who can fathom the minds of females?
1 comment:
I ditto Matt. Well, said my friend.
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